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2 Important Key Success Principles By Mitch Durfee

Along with being a successful entrepreneur, bestselling author, and motivational speaker, Mitch Durfee also holds the title of “Combat Army Veteran”. Thus, as he served overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait for a few years, his time there taught him two key success principles that eventually helped him achieve every milestone he has reached so far. 

  1. Building a good network

It is very important for us to surround ourselves with the right kind of people. Such people who either inspire us or are doing the things that we inspire to do will ultimately have a positive impact on our motivational levels. As a result, Mitch believes that while we share our time with these people, we will also be able to set our focus squarely on what we actually want to achieve in life, avoiding procrastination. Therefore, eventually, connections like these will go on to boost our self confidence level and ignite us towards our goals. 

  1. Being of service to as many people as possible 

Helping people does not only result in their betterment but also helps us form a positive outlook on life. It turns into a cycle, where people eventually pass on help, and as a result, it comes back to us. But serving doesn’t just make your heart feel good. Studies have shown that there are mental and physical health benefits to serving, like reducing depression, and lengthening your lifespan. Putting other people’s needs before yours also strengthens your relationships. Mitch introduced a credit repair course, known as The Credit Repair Blueprint, solely because he saw how people struggled for months to get their credit scores fixed by agencies, and as a result he wanted to help them fix their credit so that they can use credit to grow their business, purchase their first home and get out of debt. Unlike other agencies, who try to hold on to customers and retain them for as long as they can so that they can get a maximum amount of revenue, Mitch focused on educating his customers. He believed that this way they can use the tools and knowledge available throughout their life, and once they are successful in their goals, they will refer others to Mitch’s platform and his blog. Therefore, according to Mitch, helping as many people as possible, will in the end be a source of our own success.

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