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Here Is How Konstantinos Synodinos Is Helping Others Achieve Their Dreams

Help others achieve their dreams, and you will achieve yours. – Les Brown

Konstantinos Synodinos was born and raised in Athens and graduated from the University of Piraeus in the Department of Organization and Management. He later did MBA from the same university. He then embarked on his corporate journey as a Marketing Manager at Procter & Gamble and Diageo products such as Duracell, Ariel, Pantene, Braun, Pringles & Johnnie Walker for Greece and Western Europe. His experience as a marketing manager extends across 14 countries and an entire decade. 

Helping Others Achieve Their Sports Dreams

Many were appalled to see him quit his job and venture into entrepreneurship. But those who know the man knew that he was blessed with the right skills, passion, mindset, and potential to grind himself in the process. He founded the international sports talent promotion platform ChampionsID, for which he has won the Greek Entrepreneurship Award twice. Today he is helping athletes get recognition through his passion for sports and business.

“The platform was named ChampionsID and was attempting to become the linkedin of sports. That was launched back in 2015 and still, today is aiming to help athletes achieve their sports dreams.”

Helping Others Achieve Their All-Time High Business Potential 

Soon after the launch of his first business, Konstantinos launched a Marketing Agency in Greece with the name

“I tried to capitalize my marketing experience as regional Marketing Manager for Procter & Gamble and Diageo for almost 10 years. Simply Digital evolved from a Marketing agency to a community with the help of social media, of people wanting to chase their dreams and make a career on their terms.”

The company provides top-notch marketing services, consulting support, and assistance in business development in Greece and abroad. 

Helping Others Achieve Dreams Through Social Media

Konstantinos makes good use of social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram to generate brand awareness and build a massive community. The aim is to simplify digital marketing and with his 18+ years of experience, informative and selfless content he is able to help his followers achieve their dreams. He shares content regarding digital marketing, tools to help you generate more revenue, mobile apps or websites that could be helpful for your business, current trends in the market, and general social media secrets to enable you to be on top of your game. 

Konstantinos believes that the drive to help others separates his businesses from others and makes them stand out.“Both my businesses, and Simply Digital are operating in different fields but have something in common. They are trying to enable others to achieve their dreams. (Athletes in one case and Entrepreneurs in the other). But both of them have this selfless approach that not many businesses have.”

Photo credits: elliezenda

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