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Here Is How Performance Artist and Writer Alexis Fedor Is Empowering Fellow Artists by Helping Them Overcome Financial Barriers

Performance artist, writer, and business developer, Alexis Fedor helps artists of all disciplines create thriving businesses online with and for their art through online courses and group coaching. Based in New York City, she has a passion for cross-cultural performance art and creating artistic and thriving businesses that impact the world. She has a Bachelor of Specialized Studies in Film and Dance from Ohio University and Masters in Cross-Cultural Dance and Theater from New York University.

As the CEO of Artists In Business, Alexis teaches artists how to take the next most crucial step toward growing their businesses. Following some pre-defined steps, many struggling artists have overcome their financial problems and managed to lead successful art businesses.

Alexis coaches artists into building the most successful art business. The Artists In Business team first identifies where the client currently stands with regard to their goals, and how they can be best achieved. Then, they establish a solid foundation that positions the client’s business, ultimately ensuring sustainable growth. The next step is to make sure that the Signature Story is clear for the client, their art, and their audience or buyers.

Every online art business has some essential elements that, if not in place, will cause gaps in one’s ability to create consistent and predictable revenue. Explaining the Art Biz Guide, Alexis reveals it gives the clients/artists an overview of those essential elements, along with worksheets to create the foundation they need for their art business.

Adding to her list of guides, Artists In Business’s Web 3.0 Guide highlights some essential principles and gives clients worksheets and checklists to ensure they have them covered. It also ensures that the business is prepared and stands out from the crowd in the wide realm of art.

Alexis further describes that marketing art online is the most thoughtful act you can do for yourself, your art, and your audience. Through her Art Marketing Type quiz, she helps artists understand the approach to marketing that will best suit their art as well as business. 

To know more about AIB and its roadmap to success, please visit the website Artists in Business by Alexis Fedor.

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