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Meet the Founder of Protector Nation and Bravo Research Group, Byron Rodgers

From everything we hear, read and see on the news, it is easy to conclude that the world is a scary place to live in, where people feel increasingly unsafe with every passing day. To combat this persisting issue, many individuals are working towards making the world safer and protecting the oppressed, weak and innocent. One such personality is Byron Rodgers, a veteran, protection specialist, and founder of multiple brands.

Rodgers’ life has always been a bumpy ride, involving many highs and lows from his birth to his military and protection specialist days. He didn’t have a stable childhood and, as a result, was forced to focus on self-reliance forging his own identity at a young age. Due to his parents’ split, he usually spent the summers in the Bahamas, where the island boys thought of him as weak and soft because of his American roots, and winters in Washington’s white neighborhood, where he also felt like an outsider. However, it wasn’t long until the young Rodgers found a purpose: to join the United States Marine Corps, which eventually became climacteric for his life.

Being a part of the Marine Corps helped Rodgers see life differently, owing to the many unusual experiences he encountered. However, when it was time to bid farewell to the military, Rodgers’ life once again lacked purpose and meaning. And this time, working as a bouncer at a local bar became a turning point, ultimately leading Rodgers to step into the Executive Protection Industry.

After seven years of working on one of the industry’s most highly traveled Executive Protection details, Rodgers had been operational worldwide. In his first year, he had been a part of executive protection operations in over 60 countries, gaining a level of experience in his early 20s that few agents in his industry can attain over the course of an entire career. After a few more years of conducting domestic security operations for different companies and working with every client demographic in the field, Rodgers founded his own company, Bravo Research Group – a full-service private security company aiming to revolutionize workforce, training, and cyber technology.

Since operating Bravo Research Group, Rodgers has been on a roll, forming one business after another. He founded Protector Nation – an online community for protectors worldwide, League of Executive Protection Specialists – a full-service private security training organization providing professional training to become an executive protection specialist, and Executive Protection Lifestyle – the most listened private security podcast and one of the industry’s leading brands. 

Besides Rodgers’ accomplishments in the protection industry, he is also a published author of “Finding Meaning After the Military,” which is a survival guide on finding purpose in life after fulfilling military duties. He wants people to know that not all is lost, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and eventually, everyone will find their path much as he did.

In a nutshell, Rodgers is committed to making people’s lives better by helping and empowering others to live safer lives through education, providing his clientele with high-quality teams/superior systems for security, and guarding individuals through struggles with personal development tools that have worked for him over the years and in many different settings. In fact, he has already made an immense difference, and we can’t wait to see him accomplish much more significant things in the future.

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