Brendan Boyd on the Attributes Needed to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Brendan Boyd on the Attributes Needed to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Starting your own business is indeed one of the most demanding tasks in the world. It requires considerable dedication, significant knowledge, and a distinguished skillset. Every step is supposed to be taken carefully as even the slightest negligence can cost you huge losses. “You need to be more confident, focused, effective, and a better marketer”, says Brendan Boyd, a productivity coach. 

Brendan Boyd is a high-performance productivity coach who runs an online coaching service for entrepreneurs. The purpose of his coaching services is to provide the entrepreneur mentorship, products, and services that are required to run their business smoothly and successfully. 

Brendan is an entrepreneur who understands what it is like to fail. He had been through the bumpy road of running and managing a business at a very young age. He started his business in Boston by creating basketball leagues in the summers and fall. He launched his 7-figure streetwear brand ‘Society Original Products’ in partnership with his brother’s friend. The brand was doing great and reaching heights of popularity amongst influencers, sportsmen, and fashion boutiques. But due to inexperience, lack of efficient management and effective organization, Brendan lost his brand in 2014.

Healing from his turbulent childhood traumas and the death of his parents and grandmother, who raised Brendan, it was yet another loss for him. He realized that it requires more than he assumed to successfully manage a business. It was his inner calling and he became a vessel to help other entrepreneurs in developing the skills that will assist them in smoothly managing their businesses. 

Through his original 30-day coaching program, Brendan helped entrepreneurs become more focused, more present for their business, and believe in themselves on a higher level. He offers programs that help any entrepreneur that is struggling, wants more and just can’t seem to break through. He is also in the middle of launching a 90-day coaching program that will help the entrepreneur have more reliable, measurable, and trackable growth. This program promises Ridiculously. Insane. Growth. to all the entrepreneurs. 

Brendan’s life journey has demonstrated his entrepreneurial knowledge in fashion, basketball, real estate, and coaching. He is now utilizing all his learned and experienced knowledge for the personal and professional growth of other entrepreneurs through his online coaching services. 

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