Here’s How Alana Parks Is Impacting the Lives of Hundreds of People

Here’s How Alana Parks Is Impacting the Lives of Hundreds of People

Aiming to make your mark on the world in a positive way is a noble goal. Something that many of us dream of doing. One of the proven ways to find happiness, fulfillment, a sense of purpose, and a sense of belonging is to try to help improve the lives of others. 

Though this can be an overwhelming goal! How can you, just one individual person, change others’ lives for the better? Thinking about it you might feel insignificant and impotent, but Alana Parks is a concrete example of how you can begin to affect others positively.

Today, many of us don’t believe in meaning and purpose as something to discover or pursue in life. And others believe in a life purpose but rarely take the risk to identify or honor it. Those with positive influence, like Alana, feel otherwise. Such people who have a sense of purpose are driven, focused, committed, and lit up from the inside. 

Alana Parks’ desire to help other small business owners with social media marketing has led her to make astute use of the power of social media platforms.

Currently, Alana has been able to build a digital community of 50,000+ small business owners and has also spoken alongside billionaires Mark Cuban and Sally Krawcheck at a 2021 financial summit for young entrepreneurs. 

Also, Alana has recently partnered with the largest, fastest-growing social media platform to help coach small business owners on social media marketing. An inspiring step that many of us should aim to emulate!

Alana’s sense of meaning and purpose gives her inexhaustible drive and offers guideposts to follow along the path. Achievements don’t normally align with purpose, and even though she has been a part of the expansion of many elective surgeries practices, she has found more purpose in helping other business owners in the marketing space.  

There were definitely a lot of ups and downs both in the personal and personal life of Alana, and still are. But she firmly believes that it’s just one of those things you have to accept when running your own business, and learn from it and try not to make the same mistakes.

Despite being a thriving entrepreneur, in order to better herself and give her customers the best of her services, Alana makes sure to constantly put herself and her team in the lives of the consumer. She advertently advocates that when you understand how people actually use social media, it makes it easier to adapt to changes and be resilient all year round.

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